Social science model questions and answers

71. The author of Tuhafat-ul-Mujahiddin': 
(A) Sheikh Zainuddin 
(B) Al-Biruni 
(C) Sulaiman
(D) Ibn-Batuta 
Answer : 71.A  
72. The architect of Kuttipuram Proclamation: 
(A) Haider Ali
(B) Tipu Sultan 
(C) Saktan Thampuran 
(D) Kunjali Marakkar 
Answer : 72.B  
73. The founder of Atma Vidya Sangham. 
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan 
(B) Brahmananda Sivayogi 
(C)V.T. Bhattathiripad 
(D) Vagbhatananda 
Answer : 73.D  
74. The brain behind the Malayali Memorial: 
(A) Dr. Palpu 
(B) Swadesabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai 
(C) G.P. Pillai 
(D) C.Kesavan 
Answer : 74.C  
75. The leader who headed the first popular ministry in the Travancore-CochinState: 
(A) C. Kesavan 
(B) T.K. Narayana Pillai 
(C) Patto. A. Thanu Pillai 
(D) Panampilli Govinda Menon. 
Answer : 75.B  
76. Dasarajna means: 
(A) Ten incarnations of Vishnu 
(B) A former slave turned into a ruler 
(C) Battle of the ten kings. 
(D) Ten sacrifices to be performed by the son of a slave mother 
Answer : 76.C  
77. The author of the wellknown work Tabaqat-i-Akbari': 
(A) Khwaja Nizamuddin 
(B) Badauni E 
(C) Abdul Hamid Lahori 
(D) Abul Fazl 
Answer : 77.A  
78. The place where the first serious mutiny of the Indian soldiers in the British army was held at: 
(A) Patna
(B) Delhi 
(C) Vellore
(D) Meerut 
Answer : 78.C  
79. Dr. Zakir Hussain committee worked out the details of: 
(A) Wardha Scheme of education 
(B) Sargeant Plan of education 
(C) Hartog Committee Report. 
(D) U.G.C. Report 
Answer : 79.A  
80. The place where the congress session that recommended the Socialist Pattern of Society was held at: 
(A) Banaras
(B) Lahore 
(C) Lucknow
(D) Avadi 
Answer : 80.D  
81. Mahatma Gandhi gave the title of Sardar to Patel for his organisational skill in: 
(A) Kheda Satyagraha 
(B) Bardoli Satyagraha 
(C) Salt Satyagraha 
(D) Individual Satyagraha 
Answer : 81.B  
82. Phidias was a Greek: 
(A) Musician 
(B) Philosopher 
(C) Sculptor
(D) Scientist 
Answer : 82.A 
83. The German Sociologist who made a brilliant study of the cultural factorsresponsible for the rise of capitalism: 
(A) Max Weber 
(B)J.M. Roberts 
(C) R.S. Sharma 
(D) Rosa Luxemberg 
 Answer : 83.A 
84. The architect of Declaration of Independence (1776) in America: 
(A) Thomas Paine 
(B) Thomas Jefferson 
(C) John Locke 
(D) George Washington 
 Answer : 84.B 
85. The most universally respected figure of post Colonial Africa: 
(A) P.W. Botha 
(B) Albert Luthuli
(C) Daniel Malan 
(D) Nelson Mandela 
 Answer : 85.D 
86. The two mountains in India which are almost parallel to each other: 
(A) Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats 
(B) Vindhyas and Aravallis 
(C) Satpura and Aravallis 
(D) Vindhya and Satpura 
Answer: 86.D 
87. Identify the number of the Survey of India topographical map in the scale ofl: 25,000 
(A) 58 G
(B) 58 G/SW 
(C) 58 G/1
(D) 58 G/1/SE 
 Answer: D
88.Which ofthe following is not a depositional landform: 
(A) Drumlins
(B) Peneplain 
(C) Moraines
(D) Levee 
Answer : 88.B 
89. The cold current which flows northward along the West African coast, whichfinally joins with south equatorial current: 
(A) Gulf Stream 
(B) North Atlantic Drift 
(C) Benguela current 
(D) Falkland cold current 
90. Which one of the following city is located in the Indus delta? 
(A) Karachi
(B) Lahore 
(C) Islamabad 
Answer : 90.A  
(D) Peshawar 
91. The warm, dry and dusty wind blowing from Sahara desert across Mediterraneansea to reach Italy: 
(A) Lavanter
(B) Sirocco 
(C) Harmattan 
(D) Blizzard 
Answer : 91.B  
92. BBC bulletin broadcasted from London at noon could be heard at a place B at5.00 PM on the same day. Find the longitude of the place B: 
(A) 75 E 
(B) 95E 
(C) 25W 
(D) 105 W 
Answer : 92.A  
93. Among the following which is a Biosphere reserve in India: 
(A) Gulf of Cambay 
(B) Gulf of Mannar 
(C) Gulf of Khambat 
(D) Gulf of Kuchchh 
Answer : 93.B  
94. El Nino is most affected at the: (A) Brazilian coast (B) Hawaiin coast (C) Australian coast (D) Peruvian coast 95. The natural vegetation found in the Tundra biome: 
(A) Decidious trees 
(B) Coniferous trees 
(C) Mosses and grasses 
(D) Deep rooted plants 
Answer : 94.D  
96. Among the following whichis NOT a reason for season: 
(A) Rotation of Earth on its axis 
(B) Parallelism of the Earth's axis 
(C) Revolution of Earth around the sun 
(D) Inclination of the Earth's axis 
Answer : 96.A  
97. Which one of the layers of the Earth is continuously moving because ofconvection currents: 
(A) Crust
(B) Mantle 
(C) Outer core 
(D) Inner core 
Answer : 97.B  
98. The state which ranks first in reserves and production of coal: 
(A) West Bengal 
(B) Bihar 
(C) Jharkhand 
(D) Chhattisgarh 
Answer : 98.C  
99. Which ofthe followingisthe type of remote sensing on the basis of platform: 
(A) Air borne remote sensing 
B) Passive remote sensing 
C) Active remote sensing 
D) Infrared remote sensing 
Answer : 99.A  
100. The process of superimposing layers of geographic data in GIS to study the relationship between them: 
(A) Buffering 
(B) Overlay analysis 
(C) Proximity analysis 
(D) Surface analysis 
Answer : 100.B  
101. The first economist who advocated for rolling plan: 
(A) G. Myrdal 
(B) K.N. Raj 
(C) M. Visweshwarayya 
(D) Amartya Sen 
Answer : 101.A 
102. Defence expenditure in India for theyear 2012-13: 
(A) 1.9 percent of GDP 
(B) 5 percent of GDP 
(C) 0.5 percent of GDP 
(D) 1.5 percent of GDP 
 Answer : 102.A  
103. A demerit of MNCs: (A) Strengthen dualism in Less Developed Countries 
(B) Facilitate foreign direct investment 
(C) Transfer of superior technology 
(D) Lead to a net increase in capital formation 
Answer : 103.A 
104. The official estimates of National income with base year 1948-49 were first compiled as per the methodology recommended by: 
(A) VKRV Rao 
(B) B.S. Minhas 
(C) Dadabhai Naoroji 
(D) P.C. Mahalanobis 
Answer : 104.D
105. The GDP fortheyear 2011-12 is estimated and published by the governmentbased on: 
(A) 1999-2000 base year prices 
(B) 2004-2005 base year prices 
(C) 2007-2008 base year prices 
(D) 2008-2009 base year prices 
  Answer : 105.B  
106. The Committee under the chairmanship of Sri. Y.H. Malegam is set up to study: 
(A) Issues and concerns in the capital market 
(B) Issues and concerns in the trading of Government securities 
(C) Issues and concerns in the micro finance sector 
(D) Issues and concerns in the implementation of MNREGS 
 Answer : 106.C  
107. The Economist who is NOT associated with poverty estimation: 
(A) B.S. Minhas 
(B) Pranab Bardhan 
(C) M.S. Ahluwalia 
(D)N. Kaldor 
Answer : 107.D  
108. The programme NOT included in the annual budget of Kerala for theyear 2012-13: 
(A) Airstrips in all districts 
B) Extending green house farming all over Kerala 
(C) Coconut bioparks in all districts of Kerala 
D) New airports in Idukki and Wayanad districts 
Answer : 108.C
109. The WTO does NOT cover one of the following:
 A) Multilateral agreements ontrade in goods 
B) General agreement on trade in services 
C) Plurilateral trade agreements 
D) Agreement to boost bilateral trade 
 Answer : 109.D  
110. The percentage share of population of Kerala to national population based on 2011 census: 
A) 3.2%
(B) 3.02% 
C) 2.76% 
(D) 3.0% 
 Answer : 110.C 
111. "The United Nations was not created to take humanity to heaven, but to save itfrom hell." This observation was made by: 
A) U. Thant 
B) Dag Hammarskjold 
C) Ban Ki - Moon 
D) Kofi A. Annan 
 Answer : 111.B 
112. The Constitution of Indiawas adopted on: 
A) 15th August 1947 
B) 30th January 1948
(C) 26th November 1949 
(D) 26th January 1950 
 Answer : 112.C 
113. The Chairman and members of a State Public Service Commission can be removed only by: 
(A) The President of India 
(B) The Vice President of India 
(C) The Governor of State 
(D) The Chief Minister of State 
 Answer : 113.A 
114. The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) was established in: 
(A) 1992
(B) 1994 
(C) 1996
(D) 1998 
 Answer : 114.B 
115. Identify the Unitary Features of the Indian Constitution from the following: 
1) Single Constitution 
2) Division of Powers
3) Integrated Judiciary 
4) Bi-cameralism 
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3 
(C) 1 and 3
(D) 2,3 and 4 
 Answer : 115.C 
116. "The Indian Constitution is founded on the bedrock of the balance between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles" - select the Case in which the Supreme Court made the statement: (A) A.K. Gopalan Vs State of Madras 
(B) Kesavananda Bharati Vs State of Kerala 
(C) Indira Sawhney Vs Union of India 
(D) Minerva Mills Vs Union of India 
 Answer : 116.D  
117. Josip Broz Tito, one of the founding leaders of NAM belongs to: 
(A) Yugoslavia
(B) Indonesia 
(C) Philippines 
(D) Egypt 
Answer : 117.A 
118. The Article which states that "there shall be a Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister at the head to aid and advise the President who shall, in theexercise of his functions, act in accordance with such advice." 
(A) Article 72
(B) Article 73 
(C) Article 74 
(D) Article 75 
 Answer : 118.C 
119. Among the following Committees on Panchayati Raj Institutions which one was appointed by the Planning Commission of India: 
(A) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee 
(B) Ashok Mehta Committee 
(C) L.M. Singhvi Committee 
(D) GVK Rao Committee 
 Answer : 119.D  
120. Choose the correct statements with regard to National Human Rights Commissionfrom the following: 
1) It is a statutory body 
2) It was established in 1993 
3) It is a multi member body 
4) It's term of office is 6 years 
(A) 1 and 4
(B) 1, 2 and 3 
(C) 2,3 and 4
(D) 2 and 4 
Answer : 120.B 
121. The Social Science Curriculum should foster a feeling of unity among its citizens irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region- this is the goal related to: 
(A) National Integration 
(B) Democratic citizenship 
(C) Universal brotherhood 
(D) Cultural Development 
 Answer : 121.A  
122. The Scope of Social Science does not include: 
(A) Study of human relations 
(B) Society related study 
(C) Theological study 
(D) Study of man-made institutions
Answer : 122.C  
123. The name mainly associated with Taxonomy of Educational objectives': 
(A) Carter B. Good 
(B) Benjamin S. Bloom 
(C) Adams Wesley 
(D) M.P. Mofat 
Answer : 123.B  
124. If the learners are asked to draw a diagram in a teaching-learning process that will come under the educational objective of: 
(A) Knowledge 
(B) Understanding 
(C) Application 
(D) Skill 
Answer : 124.D 
125. Pedagogic analysis means: 
(A) Art and Science of Teaching 
(B) Content Analysis 
(C) Evaluation procedure 
(D) Curriculum Analysis 
 Answer : 125.A 
126.Onewhichisnotacriterion of daily lesson plan: 
(A) Should be objective based 
(B) Should be learner centred 
(C) Should based on psychological principles 
(D) Should based on long distant goals 
 Answer : 126.D  
127. Collection of pictures, articles etc as a continuation of learning is an example of: 
(A) Attitude
(B) Interest 
(C) Appreciation 
(D) Comprehension 
Answer : 127.B  
128. The educational objectives are achieved through: 
(A) Physical Exercise 
(B) Evaluation 
(C) Learning Experience 
(D) Unit plan preparation 
Answer : 128.C  
129. Social Science Curriculum does not deal with: 
(A) Principle of Relation with Life 
(B) Principle of Extensiveness 
(C) Principle of Universal Brotherhood 
(D) Principle of Rigidity 
Answer : 129.D
130. Identify a debatable topic in Social Science: 
(A) Environment and Development 
(B) Layers of Atmosphere 
(C) Factors of Production 
(D) Organs of Government 
  Answer : 130.A 
131. A Concept suitable for Concept Attainment Model: 
(A) King
(B) Lord 
(C) Tenant
(D) Feudalism 
 Answer : 131.D 
132. One of the learning objectives suitable for the topic 'Five Year Plans': 
(A) To arrive at proper judgement on Globalisation 
(B) To analyse the progress of industrialisation at different plan periods 
(C) To evaluate the merits and demerits of mixed economy 
(D) To collect information about small scale industries 
 Answer : 132.B 
133. The principle of learning by doing can be applied while teaching the topic 'Map and Map projections through: 
(A) Arranging a debate 
(B) Distributing printed maps 
(C) Distributing work sheets and group work 
(D) Arranging Group discussion 
 Answer : 133.C 
134. A topic suitable to generate divergent opinions: 
(A) Egyptian Civilization 
(B) First World War 
(C) Industrial Revolution 
(D) Golden Age of the Guptas
 Answer : 134.D 
135. While presenting the topic on 'Buddhism', a teacher gives an over all perspective of that religion at first and then go to its particular principles of Eight Fold Path.This approach is: (A) Inductive Method 
(B) Deductive Method 
(C) Elicitation Method 
(D) Correlation Method 
 Answer : 135.B
136. More importance to subject matter and Text book is an approach of: 
(A) Traditional Curriculum 
(B) Constructivist Curriculum 
(C) Activity Curriculum 
(D) Integrated Curriculum 
  Answer : 136.A
137. The family to which Advance Organizer Model belongs to: 
(A) Behavioural family 
(B) Social family
(C) Information Processing family 
(D) Personal family 
  Answer : 137.C
138. The term 'syntax of a model refers to: 
(A) Objectives 
(B) Teaching-Learning Materials 
(C) Outcomes 
(D) Structure 
  Answer : 138.D  
139. An example for Taking the School to Community: 
(A) Visit to an archaeological museum 
(B) Inviting an expert to School 
(C) Conducting exhibition at School 
(D) Conducting health camp at School 
Answer : 139.A  
140. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is a concept in: 
(A) Behaviourism 
(B) Cognitive Constructivism 
(C) Social Constructivism 
(D) Discovery Learning 
Answer : 140.C  
141. The intelligence associated with a drama presentation: 
(A) Spatial
(B) Mathematical 
(C) Naturalistic 
(D) Bodily-Kinesthetic
Answer : 141.D
142. Conducting a Seminar in connection with Independence day celebration is a: 
(A) Learning Activity 
(B) Co-Curricular Activity 
(C) Social Service 
(D) Curricular Activity 
  Answer : 142.B  
143. The one which is NOT a feature of Project Method: 
(A) Learning by experience 
(B) Challenging and interesting 
(C) Variety in Activities 
(D) Memorisation of facts 
Answer : 143.D 
144. The term facilitator' is widely used in: 
(A) Behaviourism 
(B) Constructivism 
(C) Pragmatism 
(D) Progressivism 
 Answer : 144.B 
145. Formation of Co-operative learning groups are essential in Constructivism as suggested by: 
(A) Thorndike 
(B) Piaget 
(C) Vygotsky
(D) Bruner 
 Answer : 145.C  
146. The process skill essential for a learner while visiting an industrial unit tounderstand its functions:
(A) Explanation skill 
(B) Drawing skill 
(C) Observation skill 
(D) Organisation skill 
Answer : 146.C
147. The test item which requires maximum use of language for answering: 
(A) Objective type 
(B) Short answer type 
(C) Very short answer type 
(D) Essay type 
  Answer : 147.D 
148. Evaluation of planning and execution stages of a project is: 
(A) Process Evaluation 
(B) Product Evaluation 
(C) Summative Evaluation 
(D) Terminal Evaluation 
 Answer : 148.A
149. The specification 'discriminates' comes under the instructional objective: 
(A) Knowledge 
(B) Understanding 
(C) Application 
(D) Interest 
  Answer : 149.B  
150. Select the one which is not desirable for a Social Science Teacher: 
(A) Democratic values 
(B) Resourcefulness
(C) Professional attitude 
(D) Rigidity in own believes
Answer : 150.D 
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