English-Phrasal Verbs

English-Phrasal Verbs

Replace the words underlined with right Phrasal Verbs 
1. In July it rains continuously, 
2. I cannot tolerate his behaviour. 
3. The thief surrendered after much resistance. 
4. If you omit a single detail, you will be punished. 
5.She is in the habit of quarrelling with her husband now and then. 
6. The school worked on Sundays to compensate the lost working days. 
7. Only a few members were present for the function. 
8. These curtains don't match the carpets. 
9. We cannot admit anymore members here. 
10. The leader requested his followers to stand united. 
11. Cancel the match if the weather is bad. 
12. Hari was perplexed when he saw the questions. 
13. I cannot disregard the matter without a protest.
14. Green leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 
15. We must be careful to maintain our health. 
16. With the help of his teacher, Arun overcame the problems he had in learning. - 
17. The plan was abandoned as it was  not practicable.
18. A committee was formed to look   into the matter.
19. His mother's death caused a tremendous change on him. 
20. The Government executed the court's order. 
21. The Chief Guest distributed the awards. 
22. The minister promised to come, but has not arrived yet. 
23. The new teacher communicates his ideas well. 
24. The dog attacked the boy when he entered the compound. 
25. We could not understand what he was saying. 
26. Ishall hide nothing from you. 
27. Do not waste the golden opportunities that come yourway. 
28. Two of her sons resembled their grandfather. 
29. The police asked the crowd to disperse
30. To go to Kovalam alight at Trivandrum. 
31. An injection was given to him to reduce the temperature. 
32.Someinsects can assume the colour of their surroundings. 
33. Man becomes wise when he overcomes his passions. 
34. Schools are closed owing to an epidemic. 
35. My servant will attend to your   needs.
36. He never thought that hiscwife will   betray him. 
37. The price of sugar has fallen
38. Flowers bloom after rain. 
39. An argument started between the two friends. 
40. The High Court rejected the death 1 sentence of the prisoner.
41. The younger generation must 1 abstain from bad habits. 
42. He withdrew from his promises. 
43. No one can manage with him, because he has such a temper. 
44. The idea was abandoned as it was not practicable. 
45. I happened to meet an old friend of mine. 
46. The winners visited their master to thank him for his encouragement. 
47. He has published a new edition of his novel. 
48. The farmers have decided to produce more grains. 
49. We dislike communalism and all that it represents.
50. When you come across a difficult word, consult a dictionary.
1.on end 
2. put up with 
3.gave in 
4. leave out 
5. given to 
6.make good 
7. turned up 
8.go with 
9. take in 
10. called upon 
11.call off 
12. at sea 
13. pass by 
14. take in 
15. keep up 
16.got around 
17.given up 
18. set up 
19. brought about 
20.carried out 
21. gave away 
22. turned up 
23. puts across 
24. went for 
25. make out 
26. keep back 
27. let slip 
28. took after 
29. break away 
30. get down 
31. to bring down 
32. take on 
33. get around 
34. on account of 
35. see to 
36. turn him over 
37. came down 
38. come out 
39. sprang up
40.set aside 
41. keep away 
42. backed out of 
43. get along 
44. given up 
45. came across
46.called on 
47. brought out : 
48. bring forth 
49.stands for 
50. look up